Women's Work: A Quickening
Debora Abood
Debora acknowledges the unceded Traditional Territory of the Coast Salish Peoples and offers her gratitude for the privilege of being able to live, play and work on beautiful Vancouver Island.
Debora has a strong background in program design, development and implementation, counselling, community development, training, and management of health and social programs in the not for profit sector.
Debora has had the privilege of working alongside Indigenous Peoples and Aboriginal organizations for many years and is inspired by a holistic approach to wellness that embraces mental, physical, emotional and spiritual balance.
Debora’s recent expression of her life to date is the publication of the first in an intended collection of four children’s books dedicated to the message that every child is precious and sacred. The first publication I was Born Precious and Sacred (2014), will be followed by the second book, I Know I Am Precious and Sacred in Fall of 2015. Though these books were written as an invitation for children to develop a sacred relationship with self and all life force, the message is a universal truth for every being.
Debora is well known and respected for her passion, integrity, sense of humor and commitment to universal change, social justice and respecting and healing this precious planet.
Please follow the link to Peppermint Toast Publishing in Vancouver, Canada for more information or purchase of the Precious and Sacred books.
The Debora Abood Interview
(Right-Click to download and “Save as”)
21 MB, 48 minutes