Cherry Pits for Your Mind©

An essential series of life-learnings we all wish we had learned early on, Cherry Pits for Your Mind©  are seeds of wisdom and experience gathered from over 30 years of coaching and counselling women.


Cherry Pits For Your Mind© are comprised of 13 Cherry Pits with more than 8.5 hours of audio recordings for your listening and learning experience.


Cherry Pits For Your Mind© are based on 13 distinct and interdependent essential life-learnings which can empower you by planting seeds of choice in your life. I hand-picked these essential life-learnings from the many thousands of hours of conversational journeys I shared with women.


Please join me as we navigate these stepping stones together- moving forward on your life’s journey to quicken, awaken and realize your role as a woman as you were born to be – here on this planet, at this time.

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What Women are saying about the Cherry Pits

I can’t speak highly enough of this webworkshop for women. Dr. Mackenzie Brooks has a calm and logical method of teaching that truly connects and inspires me. Her concepts come to life through the use of rich imagery and concrete real world examples which makes her work engaging and motivating.


No matter what the circumstances, these Cherry Pits will leave you with a genuine feeling of possibility. Dr. Brook’s wisdom instills hope, by speaking from the heart, focusing on the possibilities and caring deeply. 


Every time I listen to Cherry Pits For Your Mind, I feel empowered with a sense of renewal and inspired to bring my goals and creative energy alive.”

-Isabelle Peters

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